Adrian Sanat Novin Mandegar

registration number 42239

Preparation of oil by cold press machine

روغن های گیاهی با روغن گیری پرس سرد

Extracting oil with a cold press machine is currently the best method of extracting oil

Preparation of oil by cold press machine: In this method, the properties of the original plant are completely preserved and its final price is balanced and economical for the producer and consumer. The use of cold press machine for mass production is less used in factories. In this method, high heat is removed and oil is obtained under low temperature. This is a new method of oil extraction. The oil obtained by cold pressing is called bright and virgin. Because in this method, all properties of the seed are preserved and its quality is high. The oils prepared by this method are suitable for oral and topical consumption and improve the health level of the society.

There are two ways to extract cold press oil:

In the first method of oil extraction with a cold press, the temperature of the raw materials reaches 50 degrees, then the raw materials are pressed. After pressing, the natural and completely ready oil comes out of the outlet of the machine. In this way, less oil is extracted from the seed. But the obtained oil, because it is prepared at a low temperature, has all the properties of the original plant and is used as a natural oil.

The second method of oil extraction with cold press is used from newer devices. These devices are a bit more expensive compared to the old devices, but they will provide you with a healthier oil.

If you prepare an oil that is prepared using this device, know that its level of health is very high and not only all the benefits of vegetable oil are preserved in it, but there are no side effects. It is highly recommended to prepare oil using a cold press machine.

In this method, raw materials, which are plants, seeds, nuts, or fruit flesh, are poured into the machine. After the raw materials reach a temperature of 40 degrees, they are subjected to high pressure of the machine and are completely crushed, and in this case, natural oil comes out of the machine. This oil does not need to be refined again for use in massage.

Adrian Sanat Novin oil extraction machines

The oil obtained from the cold press machines of Adrian Sanat Novin is of high quality. The oil has a transparent color and an elastic state like refined oil.



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