Adrian Sanat Novin Mandegar

registration number 42239

What is nut buttering?

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Extracting butter from nuts with Adrian Sanat Novin machines

What is nut buttering? When hearing the name butter, many people mistakenly think that it means the same animal butter and dairy butter. But this is not the case and what is meant by butter is vegetable butter. These seeds are ground and mixed by Adrien Sanat Novin Mandegar butter machines, and this process causes the kernel of the desired seed to be crushed and created in the form of vegetable butter. You can extract butter with a variety of methods and devices. In recent years, food industry manufacturing companies started producing butter extraction machines in different sizes, dimensions and efficiency to improve this performance. Therefore, all people with different conditions can easily extract butter from the kernels of nuts. Such as: peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, etc.

About butter machines

All these devices follow certain principles and all of them are composed of a set (cylinder, Mardon, blade and electric motor).

Today, many people consume butter in different ways. For example, some people spread butter on toast and eat it. Or some confectioners add it to their pastry dough because of the good taste of this food.

In general, it is a very tasty and useful natural and edible substance that has attracted many people in such a way that you become a permanent customer with one use of this product. In addition, nut butters retain all their properties and are very useful for the body, while these vegetable and nut butters will not cause harm to the body such as blood fat and cholesterol.



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