Adrian Sanat Novin Mandegar

registration number 42239

How to store nuts

نحوه نگهداری از آجیل‌ها

How to store nuts and prevent them from spoiling

The problem with how to store nuts is that the shelf life of nuts is limited. In fact, nuts contain a significant amount of unsaturated oils, which are very delicate and break down and spoil when exposed to heat, light, and oxygen. At this time, they may take on a bitter and nasty taste! And they don’t give a good final product in butter machines, and even eating it can cause stomach irritation.

Be sure to buy fresh nuts

Try to visit as many shops and stores as you can to find the freshest nuts and then buy them.
If you buy from the contents of the bins full of nuts in stores, make sure that the lid is closed. If possible, eat one or two before buying and taste test it to ensure its freshness and taste
Also, try to buy only what you need It’s true that it’s tempting to buy different nuts like peanuts, almonds, walnuts, cashews, etc., but if you don’t need them all, buy only what you need.

You should buy nuts raw

Raw nuts last longer. Actually, when nuts are roasted, they release their oil. These oils are then exposed to more oxygen, which causes them to spoil faster. So if you want to keep purchased nuts for a longer time, try to buy them raw. Roast it yourself whenever you need

Store nuts in sealed containers

To prevent the nuts from spoiling, put all the nuts you buy in containers with lids so that air does not enter. This will keep your nuts fresher.
Also, the lack of air absorption makes the nuts no longer taste and smell bad.

Store nuts in a cool place to prevent them from spoiling

How to store nuts in closed containers is the first step and more important is to keep the place of storage cold. If you plan to use them in the next few days, storing them in closed containers and placing them in a dark and cool place in the warehouse is sufficient. But if you plan to store them for a longer time, it is better to keep the containers in the refrigerator or freezer. In fact, if the brains are stored in a cool place, they are not affected by the fluctuating temperature of the kitchen and can last up to six months in the refrigerator and up to one year in the freezer.



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